Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A few random thoughts...

I've been subscribing to a bunch of random "weekly pregnancy updates" from a few different websites lately. I recently joined WebMD's weekly pregnancy newsletter, of course they sent me my "week 25" a day early, I'm not complaining.

I learned that (supposedly) if someone were to put an ear to my belly, provided the baby was in the "right" position (whatever that is), the heartbeat would be strong/loud enough to hear. Oh dear, now, not only will I be forcefully placing my husband's hand on my belly, but I'll also start to shove his head there, asking, "Do you hear anything yet?"

"Why, no I don't, Dear, only you talking."

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow. Well, actually, having just looked at the clock, today. About twelve hours from now, in fact. I'm going to be doing this glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I think that's what it's called. Anyway, for those that don't know, I have to drink this high-glucose, sugary drink and wait an hour, I think I'll have to have blood taken afterward, to see how my body/bloodstream absorbs it. Ehh, I don't know, really. I read a little about it, but mostly, I'll have to drink Kool-aid and hope that my body absorbs it correctly.

Gee, sounds like fun :)

I can only imagine how this will go, "Excuse me, before I drink this, what exactly am I drinking? Is it suitable for Vegans? Does it have any artificial colors in it (I can almost guarantee it has artificial flavors, and that makes me incredibly uneasy)? Is it free of allergens? Do you have a list of the ingredients? What if I don't feel comfortable drinking this, are there any alternatives? You know, you should really offer something compatible with all diets, not just a one-size-fits-all glucose screen." In turn, the midwife will turn to me and say, "Wow, you're a bit of a control freak, aren't you?"

Why, yes. Yes I am.

Does anyone watch Heroes? It's on NBC Mondays at 9 PM (Eastern time). Tonight's episode was Amazing. With a capital 'A'. I won't give any details away, for those of you who don't watch (to save you from being bored by my ramblings about this and that and so on), or those of you who missed it, but, OH. My. God. Amazing.

I have this cat (actually I have these three cats), and he's what I like to call, "special". My husband and I chose the name Fry, mainly because when we adopted him, the person taking care of him had called him Flipper, and they both start with 'F', so it seemed an easy enough transition for the cat. But the name itself is very fitting. For those of you who watch Futurama, I'm sure you immediately recognize the reference. Ironically, Fry is orange (much like the [cartoon] human Fry has orange hair), and also, well, lacks a certain brain trait that makes him rather... Special. :) He's a complete and total mamma's boy, and I can always count on my Phillip J. [Fry] to be following me around the house, provided he's not passed out somewhere 'unexpected'. You'll understand better when I post pictures in the upcoming days.

I've gotten myself in the habit (since we took him in, back in March) of leaving the bathroom door open when I go in there (as frequently as that is, thanks to my ever-growing uterus resting on my bladder), and it never fails, my Fry-guy runs in behind me, sometimes almost literally knocking me over in his excitement. His first stop is usually the toilet, where I will have to chase him away by saying, "No Fry, I'm in here to pee, not give you some water" (Oh yes, he likes toilet water), then he'll happily forget all about his throne, and jump into the bathtub, waiting for me to turn the water on so he can splash around in it. Generally I don't, but every once in a while, those big, copper eyes go through me, and I'll let the water run for a second. He also loves to hop in after my hubby or I take a shower, almost as soon as the shower curtain is pulled back.

I live with a very interesting cat(dog).

Of course, my girls aren't necessarily any more normal, they're just not as obvious about it. Lola, I've recently discovered, knows how to open my husband's sock drawer (and she enjoys going in and sleeping in the drawer beneath it, many times has she gotten herself locked in). She's a tiny kitty, and can get into small places, in fact, she enjoys getting into the smallest places she can. I've seen her crawl out from under our dresser a few times, and more recently, watched her slither her way out from under our couch. Each with around three inches of clearance. She likes to hang out in our kitchen cabinet above the fridge, and once in a while, can beat Fry to the bathtub after someone is done in the shower, and there's water sprayed all over, where she'll splash around, wait for each drip to drip from the faucet, and usually play with her brother.

Tweek on the other hand, is more... tweaky. Actually, when we took her in, we almost named her Spaz, but thought it might be too blunt. We have this "two story" kitty-condo thing, made of wood and shag carpet. An ideal hiding/playing/sleeping/scratching place for a cat. She almost never leaves the thing. Upon coming home, my husband and I will watch her dart from her current standpoint-- such as the kitchen or our bedroom-- into the condo/hotel/whatever the hell it is. It's like an orange/black/white (calico) blur. Lately we've actually been worried she might be spending too much time in it, so we're trying to wean her away from it by moving it to our (currently) uninhabited bedroom for a few hours at a time, then taking it out and letting her go back in. I'm just worried it's messing with her legs and she isn't getting enough exercise. So she finds other dark corners to hide, I mean sleep. But occasionally, she'll hang out in the open, or even sleep in bed with us. However, the slightest movement sends her running. She's a pretty high-maintenance kitty, and she requires a lot of patience. But she is wonderful, and Dennis (my hubby) and I love her very much. We love all our kitties.

Again, as I mentioned, pictures will be posted (hopefully) by the next post, whenever that is.

I'm missing valuable Adult Swim programming, and plan on waking up super early tomorrow. So I'll be on my way. Stay tuned for links to the shows (on DVD) I mentioned, just as soon as I figure out how to do it :)


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